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Acceptance of pilot licence from third countries (except FAA)
Transport Authority (TA) may validate a pilot licence issued by a third country in compliance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention.
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/723 of 4 March 2020 laying down detailed rules with regard to the acceptance of third-country certification of pilots and amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
According to Article 4 of above mention Regulation Transport Authority can validate third-country licence only in these cases:
- pilot is residing in Slovakia or
- pilot is flying or intending to fly for operator who has its principal place of business in Slovakia, or the aircraft on which he/she is flying or intending to fly is registered in Slovakia or
- pilot is attending competition flights or display flights of limited duration.
If you meet at least one of those three requirements you may ask for acceptance of licence from third country in Slovakia.
Transport Authority can accept only valid third country licence and valid ratings.
If your licence and/or ratings are expired contact your competent authority and ask for renewal.
Types of validation / conversion you can apply for:
- permanent validation of licence,
- validation of licence for 1 year,
- conversion of licence only up to PPL level,
- validation for competition flights or display flights of limited duration.
For more information about listed types of validation please contact letecky.personal@nsat.sk.
- Please provide us with all relevant information about your current licence and intention to use EASA licence (commercial air transport and other commercial activities, non-commercial activities with/without an instrument rating etc).
Process of validation is as follows:
- Complete form F449-B available from our website and return the form with relevant documentation as listed in the submission instructions by post ONLY to:
Transport Authority
M.R. Stefanik Airport
823 05 Bratislava
In application form please specify what type of validation / conversion you are applying for.
- Pay the application fee
The current issue fee is 50 €.
Information on administration charge payment are to be found here: http://nsat.sk/en/transport-authority-about-us/administrative-fees/
Payment is taken once application is received, not when you collect the licence.
- Once payment has cleared, the Transport Authority will then contact Competent Authority (CA) who issued third country licence seeking verification licence.
- Once the Transport Authority has received all the required information, The Transport Authority will contact you informing you that your EASA licence is ready.
Note: Please note, that the process of licence validation might take several months.